29 oktober 2012
Primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave
Primadonna girl,
Would you do anything for me?
Buy a big diamond ring for me?
Would you get down on your knees for me?
Pop that pretty question right now, baby
Beauty queen on a silver screen
Living life like I'm in a dream
I know I've got a big ego
I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though
(Ooh) And I'm sad to the core, core, core
(Yeah) Every day is a chore, chore, chore
(Wow) When you give, I want more, more, more
I wanna be adored
'Cause I'm a primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave
Primadonna girl fill the void up with Celluloid
Take a picture, I'm with the boys
Get what I want 'cause I ask for it
Not because I'm really that deserving of it
Living life like I'm in a play
In the lime light, I want to stay
I know I've got a big ego
I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though
(Ooh) Going up, going down, down, down
(Yeah) Anything for the crown, crown, crown
(Wow) With the lights dimming down, down, down
I spin around
'Cause I'm a primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave
Primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave
Primadonna girl
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave
Primadonna girl,
Would you do anything for me?
Buy a big diamond ring for me?
Would you get down on your knees for me?
Pop that pretty question right now, baby
Beauty queen on a silver screen
Living life like I'm in a dream
I know I've got a big ego
I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though
(Ooh) And I'm sad to the core, core, core
(Yeah) Every day is a chore, chore, chore
(Wow) When you give, I want more, more, more
I wanna be adored
'Cause I'm a primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave
Primadonna girl fill the void up with Celluloid
Take a picture, I'm with the boys
Get what I want 'cause I ask for it
Not because I'm really that deserving of it
Living life like I'm in a play
In the lime light, I want to stay
I know I've got a big ego
I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though
(Ooh) Going up, going down, down, down
(Yeah) Anything for the crown, crown, crown
(Wow) With the lights dimming down, down, down
I spin around
'Cause I'm a primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave
Primadonna girl, yeah
All I ever wanted was the world
I can't help that I need it all
The primadonna life, the rise and fall
You say that I'm kinda difficult
But it's always someone else's fault
Got you wrapped around my finger, babe
You can count on me to misbehave
Primadonna girl
Saknar din värme och dina nospussar...
You are in the arms of the angels now..
16 oktober 2012
Blev att gå upp något tidigare än vad klockan var ställd på.
Svårt att ligga kvar i sängen när jag vet att jag snart måste gå upp, om jag ändå är vaken dvs.
Jobb står på schemat i sin vanliga tur idag, känns knappt som att jag gör annat än jobbar.
Jag fick lite längre ledighet nu under helgen som var eller rättare sagt jag tog semester en extra dag :)
Helgen som kommer är jag tre-ledig igen men då är det fullt upp, ut och äta med familjen, många som ska firas, sen iväg på en liten tripp med mina föräldrar. Kan bli mysigt!
Jag har fått frågor om hur jag egentligen mår nu för tiden? Verkar jag så deppig och nere?
Med mig är det ingen fara. Alla har vi väl våra ups and downs, jag tycker att man borde få ha det i allafall.
Sen kanske det finns människor i min omgivning som jag är besviken på men för det tycker jag inte att man ska få en stämpel att man är i någon slags depression. Nog om detta.
Nu- göra mig i ordning för ett dagpass på jobbet. Har ju en ssk-student som går bredvid mig ett par dagar.
Förresten så tycker jag nog hösten är ganska mysig ändå.
Hoppas ni får en bra dag där ute!
9 oktober 2012
Borde nog ta upp skrivandet igen, men inte just nu, nu står snart ett kvällspass på jobbet på schemat.
Ha en bra dag!